BETA: running on Rinkeby Testnet

Series 1 - Angular

Generative audiovisual pieces, undulating but synchronized. The process that determines note durations and pitches are continuous functions of time, taking the rhythm and pitches "off the grid". These are juxtoposed with angular visuals very much on a grid.

While many generative collections of art feature a widely varying parameter space, this collection instead has its parameters finely tuned and tightly constrained. The time dependent process is still seeded by the random hash value so that each are unique, but they have the same flavor and can be thought of as "prints" of the original artwork.

The code that generates the audiovisual is stored completely on-chain, allowing a user to reconstruct the media without having to trust IPFS or external storage.

2/8 have been minted. Purchase
Token Id: 24
Owner: 0x57d248AD
Token Id: 25
Owner: 0x57d248AD